Monday, May 16, 2011

Gotta Kindle

I was so loved on Mother's day and recieved a Kindle. I was so excited!! I am a huge reader and just can't ever get enough. I love books so much. I happily went to Amazon to check out books. It is so easy and fast to download books. It is the greatest thing for a book lover UNTIL you look at prices.
Buying online books is in my opinion the bestest SCAM going and all the "companies" are winning. I can't believe that ebooks cost the same as buying a hard paper book. Ebooks have no paper, no shipping, no storage, no salespeople, no ink, no fancy pictured, colored they only have to buy for advertising and paying the author. SO HOW CAN IT BE SO EXPENSIVE????
I can't even re-sell an ebook. And tons of the books I can buy cheaper at costco than the e version.
It is frustrating because it is unfair but then they don't want illegal downloads. I don't mind at all paying for a book but seriously let's be fair.
It shocks me that readers haven't united to stop buying books until the system changes. It seems like the world needs to gear up for the future and figure out better ways for movies, books and music. The future is here people...change to keep up! Personally I am reading the free classics...and enjoying them while I wait for the book world to grab a clue!


  1. Hey, most libraries have e-books you can borrow. Ask your local library and you might be surprised, it't free.

  2. Hey, that's what I think too! What a scam.
